Warning: file_get_contents … failed to open stream: Too many open fiiles …

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  • #1147178
    Stefanie Pilz

    Hi, we have installed UpdraftPlus and only in some browsers we see an error on the page – see attached image:


    This is the shown URL: https://www.glogar-uwt.com/arbeitshilfsstoffe
    I was not really able to see the error on my side, it was send me from an apple and i dont have such a thing.

    Could you maybe help me solving the issue?
    UpdraftPlus – Sichern/Wiederherstellen – Version
    Wordpress Version 5.7.2

    Thank you!

    Stefanie Pilz
    This reply has been marked as moderator-only.


    Where can we see the attached file you mention, please?


    Stefanie Pilz

    Error image

    Is this working? It is a onedrive link
    I dont know how to add an image instead here, there is no upload field
    Image Download


    Hi Stefanie,

    You’ve got two issues there which you’ll need to ask your hosting company for help with:

    1) Your PHP notices are being sent to the browser (so visitors see them) instead of to a log file.

    2) The server has an issue with too many open files – the server admin will need to adjust the server configuration either raise the limit on open files, or reduce the number of websites being hosted on the server so that they fall within existing limits.


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