Widnows Server

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  • #17928

    Hi david

    So the plugin saved my life on the test server, as a log entry had got so large it had killed the website. restore <3 days and back to winning. remove idiotic plugin – up and brill. so purchased without hesitiation. Currently deploying over my sites. however one of my install’s resides on a windows box. and gives this error when trying to oauth dropbox:

    Fatal error: Uncaught exception ‘Dropbox_Exception’ with message ‘The storage encrypter requires the MCrypt extension’ in E:\domains\w\welcomestandards.org.uk\user\htdocs\wp-content\plugins\updraftplus\includes\Dropbox\OAuth\Storage\Encrypter.php:35 Stack trace: #0 E:\domains\w\welcomestandards.org.uk\user\htdocs\wp-content\plugins\updraftplus\methods\dropbox.php(386): Dropbox_Encrypter->__construct(‘ThisOneDoesNotM…’) #1 E:\domains\w\welcomestandards.org.uk\user\htdocs\wp-content\plugins\updraftplus\methods\dropbox.php(363): UpdraftPlus_BackupModule_dropbox::bootstrap() #2 E:\domains\w\welcomestandards.org.uk\user\htdocs\wp-content\plugins\updraftplus\methods\dropbox.php(318): UpdraftPlus_BackupModule_dropbox::auth_request() #3 [internal function]: UpdraftPlus_BackupModule_dropbox::action_auth() #4 E:\domains\w\welcomestandards.org.uk\user\htdocs\wp-content\plugins\updraftplus\updraftplus.php(253): call_user_func(Array) #5 [internal function]: UpdraftPlus->handle_url_actions(”) #6 E:\domains\w\welcomestandards.org.uk\ in E:\domains\w\welcomestandards.org.uk\user\htdocs\wp-content\plugins\updraftplus\includes\Dropbox\OAuth\Storage\Encrypter.php on line 35

    Anything you can do?


    Hi Liam,

    Thanks for the purchase!

    The next release of UD, due next week, will make the problem + its resolution more clear in this case. The message you’re seeing – “The storage encrypter requires the MCrypt extension” is referring to a missing PHP component. You need to enable the mcrypt extension in your PHP install on that box in order to use Dropbox. This may be as simple as uncommenting a line in your overall php.ini that will load it when uncommented, depending on where you got your PHP binaries from on that WIndows box.

    Please excuse us if we don’t send any more replies until Monday – it’s getting very near to switch-off time now.



    Ah! Well that’s not going to happen – this sits on shared hosting, as do all my sites. I’ll have to download the stuff, change server over to linux and uplaod it again then! No big problem.

    thanks for you continued support. response times brill mate.

    Night Night!

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