WP-Config Missing from Back-up


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  • #498333
    David Gaffney

    I recently had a minor scare on one of my sites as I was saving a page edit. I received a DB error, indicating WP could not connect to my wp-config file or the server was down. When I went to check my core back-ups, I notice the wp-config file was not there for the subdomain I was editing, even though it’s in the subdirectory backed up. I believe I have all the right options selected for the backup, including other files. Any idea why the majority of the files would be missing?

    Bryle Crodua


    By default wp-config.php file is not included in the backup.
    Please see FAQ: https://updraftplus.com/faqs/when-i-restore-wordpress-core-should-i-include-wp-config-php-in-the-restoration/


    David Gaffney

    Hi, Bryle. I use UpdraftPlus Premium, and have chosen the following backup options: Plugins, Themes, Uploads, WP core, Any other directories found inside wp-content, and Backup non-WP tables… What else should I do to include the wp-config file in future backups? For the potential disaster I faced the other day when my site stopped working, it would be nice to be able to restore the file that tells the site how to function properly.

    Bryle Crodua


    The wp-config.php is included in the WP core backup zip file. Just make sure that the wp-config.php file is not in the exclusion list.


    David Gaffney

    That goes back to my original comment in this thread, Bryle. When I opened the zip file in an attempt to copy wp-config, it wasn’t there. Does it only include wp-config on a full backup or does it also include it on the incremental backups when I do an update? I was checking the most recent incrementally updated core files.

    Bryle Crodua


    Apologies for the late reply.

    The wp-config.php will be included on a full backup.
    I just want to confirm, that the file is not listed in the exclusion list?


    David Gaffney

    Third Try… Hi, Bryle. No, wp-config is not on the exclusion list. I have tried to send you links to Lightshot screen captures to show you my settings, but my responses are not posting with the links. Hopefully, this will be enough. Thanks for clarifying wp-config is included in a full backup. However, I’m still wondering why it’s not included in my incremental backup, since the options I selected do not seem to preclude it.

    Thanks for your ongoing support in trying to resolve this issue.


    David Gaffney

    Hi, Bryle. No, it’s not listed on the exclusion list. If you follow the links below, you can see the options I have chosen, including the exclusions.


    Thanks for clarifying that wp-config will be in the full backup, but what about the incremental backups? It appears it should be included from the options I selected, but it absolutely was not included with the rest of the core files when I checked.

    Thanks for your continued help in getting tot he bottom of this for me.


    David Gaffney

    Hi, Bryle. I’m sorry if this seems like a duplicate response, but I can’t see the response I just submitted. Maybe it would not accept the links I included. No, wp-config is not on the exclusion list, as you can see from the links below.


    Thanks for clarifying wp-config is included in a full backup. However, I’m still wondering why it’s not included in my incremental backup, since the options I selected do not seem to preclude it.

    Thanks for your ongoing support in trying to resolve this issue.


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