The next release of UpdraftPlus is out, and is a recommended update for all. It contains a mix of various small improvements, and minor fixes. The most significant long-term change is that it is now using Dropbox’s newest authentication interface – this was a necessary change, as Dropbox plan to drop the older interface in summer 2017. There is nothing to do for existing users – UpdraftPlus will upgrade its Dropbox access token in the background without needing any intervention. Users of the free version will also inherit a change that paid users have enjoyed for a few weeks – a re-arranged, prettier and easier-to-navigate, “Advanced Tools” tab.
All being well, our next release announcement will be a significant announcement of new capabilities in UpdraftCentral, our remote multiple-site WordPress management dashboard. Stay tuned
The full UpdraftPlus changelog for this relea follows:
- Fix: Fix a bug in URL replacement when cloning from a flat configuration to a WP-in-own-directory configuration
- Fix: The button for testing connections to extra databases added to the backup was not working
- Fix: Direct dashboard logins from UpdraftCentral were not working on WP 3.2 – 3.4 sites
- Compatibility: Will upgrade Dropbox OAuthv1 tokens to OAuthv2 (to handle Dropbox API v1 deprecation in summer 2017)
- Tweak: Deleting an already-deleted backup set from UpdraftCentral now produces a more informative error message
- Tweak: When restoring only a single site out of a multisite install, store less data in memory on irrelevant tables, and do less logging when skipping tables
- Tweak: Update bundled UDRPC library to version 1.4.9 – fixes a bug with the admin URL used for contact via UpdraftCentral on multisite
- Tweak: Explicitly store the UpdraftPlus object as a global
- Tweak: Prevent a pointless “unsaved settings” warning if settings were changed then the ‘wipe’ button used
- Tweak: When using the Importer add-on, allow backups from WordPress Backup to Dropbox to be wrapped in an extra ‘wpb2d’ folder
- Tweak: Strengthen protections against resuming an already-complete backup after migration on servers with misbehaving WP schedulers
- Tweak: Touch already-existing but incomplete files being downloaded, to reduce possibility of two processes downloading at once
- Tweak: Add a link to more information about UpdraftCentral in the advanced tool
- Tweak: The UPDRAFTPLUS_MYSQLDUMP_EXECUTABLE define can now be used on Windows (you will need to define a path to take advantage of it)
- Tweak: Introduce the UPDRAFTPLUS_SKIP_CPANEL_QUOTA_CHECK constant to allow skipping of trying to check cPanel quota
David Anderson (lead developer)