UpdraftPlus will soon be releasing a new and exciting feature that we want to share with you.

Many of our users have been using UpdraftPlus to clone their website for years. But now we’re happy to announce a new feature called UpdraftClone that will take all of the hassle and work out of cloning your website to a sandbox.

The UpdraftClone service allows you to create a cloned test site directly from UpdraftPlus’ settings page in minutes.

Want to see how your site looks when you update it, change themes and plugins, alter layout, add content or change PHP version before it goes live? With UpdraftClone it’s never been so quick to create a temporary sandbox for changes you want to try.

It really is as simple as copy and paste for your WordPress site. 

The feature is scheduled for launch during Q3 2018, so be sure to keep an eye out for further updates and information about UpdraftClone.

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