Did you know that UpdraftPlus has a premium feature that allows you to back up your WordPress website to more than one location? 

The concept of storing data in an additional location is known as data redundancy and is well regarded as best backup practice. Backing up your backups to a redundant location provides an extra layer of protection. If one backup location experiences issues, you have another copy to rely on. 

Backup locations supported by UpdraftPlus Premium

UpdraftPlus Premium offers an array of backup locations to choose from, ensuring your data is stored securely across multiple platforms. These locations include:

  • FTP
  • Google Drive
  • Dropbox
  • Amazon Web Services (AWS) S3
  • Rackspace Cloud Files (S3 compatible R2 via V4 authentication)
  • DreamObjects
  • Openstack Swift 
  • Email 
  • Microsoft OneDrive (Premium only) 
  • SFTP (Premium only) 
  • Microsoft Azure (Premium only) 
  • WebDAV (Premium only) 
  • Google Cloud (Premium only)
  • SCP (Premium only) 
  • Backblaze (Premium only) 
  • pCloud (Premium only) 


UpdraftVault is integrated into UpdraftPlus so you don’t need to bother with separate setups or passwords and backing up takes just a couple of clicks. If you already have UpdraftPlus Premium, you’ve probably already got it (1GB space is included in every purchase).

Step-by-step guide: Backing up to multiple locations

If you’re familiar with UpdraftPlus, you’ll find backing up to more than one location is as simple as choosing more than one location under the ‘Settings’ tab. Alternatively, read on for a more detailed step-by-step guide. 

  1. Install and Activate UpdraftPlus

If you haven’t already, purchase, install and activate UpdraftPlus Premium

  1. Configure UpdraftPlus settings

To open UpdraftPlus, navigate to “Settings” and click on “UpdraftPlus Backups.” In the UpdraftPlus “Settings” tab you can set your backup frequency, choose what to backup (such as plugins, themes etc.) and more.

  1. Choose multiple backup locations

Under the “Choose your remote storage” section, select the backup locations where you want to store your backups. You can select multiple options for maximum redundancy. 

  1. Configure each backup location

For each selected backup location, follow the prompts to connect UpdraftPlus to that location. For instance, if you’re backing up to Google Drive, you’ll need to authenticate your Google account.

  1. Perform manual backups or schedule backups

Initiate a manual backup by clicking the “Backup Now” button in the “Backup / Restore” tab. Alternatively, set up scheduled backups under “Settings”.

6. Monitor and restore backups

Monitor the status of your backups and restore your site from the same tab as before, in just a few clicks.
