WP 4.7 is jam-packed full of new features, mostly centred on the initial set up of themes.

Its new default theme (Twenty Seventeen) is designed to show off these improvements, and it looks smart with its crisp typeface and immersive custom themes. It’s quite business-focused, featuring, ‘multiple sections on the front page as well as widgets, navigation and social menus, a logo, and more.’ It also comes with useful starter content for new users, which is also available for sites with existing content.

In addition, WordPress 4.7 has video header support, a customizer to help you achieve a more polished theme setup flow, and the capacity to add a custom CSS to your theme.

It’s also got a new feature enabling users to access the admin interface in different languages. It’ll give you a thumbnail preview of uploaded PDF files, as well as an enhanced editor tool that sets out a clearer paragraph and heading selector menu in the top bar, and shows keyboard shortcuts.

Plus there are the usual under-the-hood improvements, things like REST API content endpoints, custom bulk actions and post type templates, which are mainly of interest to developers.

Find out more about WP 4.7 here: https://make.wordpress.org/core/2016/12/05/wordpress-4-7-field-guide/ 

Please remember to run a backup before you download it.  Note, if you’ve got UpdraftPlus Premium, you can just set it up to run backups automatically before any update to plugins, themes and the core.

