Why does my order status still show as “Pending”?

An order enters the “pending” state when you have pressed the “Place Order” button at the checkout, but we have received no payment. Our system immediately fulfils orders when payment is received.

If you were attempting to pay via PayPal, then you can verify the status of your payment in your PayPal account. (If no payment was successful, then there won’t be an entry in your PayPal statement; or if the payment was delayed because your PayPal account is not funded, it will show as a pending “eCheque” (eCheck) payment, and estimate when the payment will be made).

If you were attempting to pay via a card, then you can check your card statement, or ask us to check our account at this end… it’s best, though, to just attempt to pay again. We have never had a payment that was made without our card processor’s systems notifying ours. If that did happen, you could report it either to us or to your card vendor for a prompt refund. But, if you really do prefer not to check your statement and prefer us to check ours then send us a pre-sales question.

If you were attempting to pay via the debit/credit card option, then you could also try a card payment via the PayPal option – PayPal also process cards in the normal way, not only PayPal account payments.

To attempt payment again, just log in to your account, and press the “Pay” button next to your order.

Posted in: Payment questions
