This is a great product! Feature Request(s)… Label backup points – When an automatic update is created in the middle of the night, or whenever, label the backup point as to why is was created, what plugin(s) were updated to … Continue reading
The search bar offers: Search by title, tags(comma separate tags), etc Currently it seems not possible to search for Plugins, Themes etc., where one would expect to get a list where a specific plugin or theme is installed. A search … Continue reading
I currently run a self hosted Version of Updraft Central to manage over 100 WordPress Sites. When using MainWP the total number of connected sites was a huge helper and indicator for potential connection problems or missed sites for me. … Continue reading
Most agencies like mine, need multiple users, with the ability for each of them to have their own access and 2FA. iThemes Sync allows people with different accounts to access a shared dashboard. If they can do it, I am … Continue reading
Hello Thank you guys for the great work. Well, I have a server with 400GO on disk Disk usage: 228.89 GB Disk available: 190 GB So when the Updraft plugin creates a backup, it stores the Zip files on the … Continue reading