I currently run a self hosted Version of Updraft Central to manage over 100 WordPress Sites. When using MainWP the total number of connected sites was a huge helper and indicator for potential connection problems or missed sites for me. … Continue reading
Since most cloud providers aren’t privacy-friendly and some files contain sensitive information (such as wp-config.php), it would be great to be able to encrypt everything, not just the database. Unauthorized access to a cloud provider can compromise an entire site. … Continue reading
When configuring backup retention rules, I can get it to a point where I keep X backups for a defined period ie 1 backup per week after 12 weeks. What i am unable to configure with the current options it … Continue reading
When the remote backup location (eg SFTP etc) is down and a backup commences, it fails to push to the remote storage and leaves them on the webserver in the “updraft” folder. When the remote storage is back online and … Continue reading
How about “making it simple”? I’m all over the Internet virtually every day with our new visionary group of Services & Products and working to “license” the same to Ancestry.com The UpdraftPlus platform has GOT TO BE the most cumbersome … Continue reading
It would be really nice and helpful to know how long each backup took. I understand that depending on the activity of the server, backups could fluctuate which in itself can be helpful knowing when to schedule the backups based … Continue reading