We would like to see the ability to push content between various environments, such as Production / Dev. This would be different from migration in that “syndication relationships” (HCL Digital Experience terminology) could be set up where you go do … Continue reading
We have certain planned outage dates / times (for server backups / updates / scheduled maintance and the like) during which we would not want backups to run (we have backups set to run daily). For example, if we have … Continue reading
When restoring a single site on a multisite installation the interface always gives me a fright for a minute as all of my tables flash through the “Activity Log”. Each table is followed by “Constraints found, will disable atomic restore … Continue reading
It would be super helpful to be able to add a short note when making a manual backup. At the moment I am trying to find something and I have to go through every single backup. At the very least … Continue reading
I’ve experienced several times migrations not changing the URLs correctly because the search and replace fails. It fails because the database being imported and the destination database are different character sets which can lead to the special characters in URLs … Continue reading
Combining this function with Migrator, a multisite should have the ability to clone a single sub-site within the same network. Even having the ability to create a ‘template’ base sub-site to clone. I really need this feature and would rather … Continue reading
On https://updraftplus.com/my-account/ the “Cancel Subscription” buttons do nothing (except reload the page.) Clicking “View” on each individual item makes canceling inconvenient but doable. However, even on the detailed View page (eg https://updraftplus.com/my-account/view-subscription/415121/ ) the Cancel Subscription button is cosmetic only; … Continue reading