I have been with you for many years and am enjoying the improvements you have made. It would be great if we could backup to pCloud please ? Their servers are EU based which I suggest is a major selling … Continue reading
1. Please Change Extensions to “Ends With” in Exclusions. As a user, I would like to be able to exclude files that end in any string I want so that I can exclude files like _wpsnapshot.zip, for example. But I … Continue reading
Hi: I miss the box displayed that shows the backup progress of the backup and informs me when it is complete. When I update a plugin, etc. it does a backup but I am looking at a blank screen and … Continue reading
I migrated a site from a live server to a new server for testing and used the option to Search and replace site location in the database” to my test server. Now that I have finished testing, I’d like to … Continue reading
Hi, I manage a lot of customer websites and it would be a big time saver if there was a button that creates a full backup and then makes all updates, i.e. plug-ins, themes, WP Core, translations. Everything with one … Continue reading