The structure of the Mailsubject now is: 1 Backupped: 2 WebSite 3 Updraft version 4 Date and Time 5 “nothing” when it succeeded without an error or “(with errors (1)” when one ore more error occurred It looks like this … Continue reading
from a user’s point of view, it is strange that scheduled database backups and file backups are configured separately (especially when a manual backup allows you to do everything at once). from my point of view, it would be simpler … Continue reading
My organization manages numerous websites and use UpdraftPlus for backups on all of them. We are trying to limit the number of unnecessary email alerts we are receiving from these sites from various plugins etc and many of these unnecessary … Continue reading
It would be nice if admins could see which plugins were updated and/or what else was done instead of only seeing that a backup was “Automatic backup before update”. Apparently, the log file does not capture this information either, so … Continue reading
When doing development work on MacOS ( OS X for older systems ) .DS_Store files and __MACOSX folders are created by the OS. These have no affect on WordPress and often times will make themselves onto Production servers. Ideally there … Continue reading
I Would love to use my updraft central management also for other client projects like Magento Shops, Whatever. So I would only need to ad a new website with giving ftp acces and path configuration and also database access… then … Continue reading
For some reason that makes little sense to me, WordPress and/or some plugins use absolute paths in the database or in files. Unlike the relative paths that are replaced by updraft plus during a restore thanks to the search/replace option … Continue reading