Mail subject shows backup result (ok or with error) in front instead in back of sentence

The structure of the Mailsubject now is:

1 Backupped:

2 WebSite

3 Updraft version

4 Date and Time

5 “nothing” when it succeeded without an error


“(with errors (1)” when one ore more error occurred

It looks like this

Succeeded -> Gebackupt: Miniatuurwereld Nederland (UpdraftPlus 2022-01-31 13:39

With Error -> Gebackupt: Miniatuurwereld Nederland (UpdraftPlus 2021-11-16 11:07 (with errors (1))

When checking the mail you are obliged to open the mail to see if it went all ok. The mail client (or setupof the screen) does not show the complete Subject line. On a phone it is always out of sight.

I would like to see the backup result without opening the mail. It can be achieved when the ordering of fields within the subject is changed to:

1 Backupped:

2 nothing when it succeeded or (with errors (1)) when one ore more errors occurred

3 WebSite

4 Updraft version

5 Date and Time

Even on a phone the backup result is readable now without opening the mail.

Succeeded -> Gebackupt: Miniatuurwereld Nederland (UpdraftPlus 2022-01-31 13:39

With Error -> Gebackupt: (with errors (1)) Miniatuurwereld Nederland (UpdraftPlus 2021-11-16 11:07

Small change with a big efficiency result.




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