[Third Party Product] MainWP (Key Maker) integration


We’re using UpdraftPlus with MainWP and find it overly difficult to manage over 100 of our websites because the steps needed to propagate settings from MainWP’s Updraft Extension onto child sites are too numerous. In order to simplify things a couple of solutions can be done:

  1. Make UpdraftPlus settings tabs (i.e. Backup/Restore, Migrate/Clone, Settings, Advanced Tools, Premium/Extensions) have unique URLs and communicate with WordPress/MainWP properly so that these settings can be adequately captured by MainWP Key Maker plugin.
  2. Make UpdraftPlus settings propagate much more efficiently (ideally with one click) from within MainWP’s Updraft extension. WordFence does this best, you can use that for reference. One click on Save Settings propagates all settings from all options/tabs to all child sites.

Thank you!


1 Comment

  1. udadmin

    The MainWP extension for UpdraftPlus is (and always has been) entirely owned, produced and maintained by MainWP. For any suggestions or improvements relating to it, you should contact MainWP.

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