Add-ons missing after update to

UpdraftPlus Home Forums Paid support forum – UpdraftPlus backup plugin Add-ons missing after update to

  • This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 11 years ago by De_baat.
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  • #17949

    A while ago, I bought the all-inclusive add-on for this wonderfull plug-in.
    Everything was working fine after I installed the separate add-on package I downloaded from my account.

    Then the update came to refresh to version 1.7.1.
    The update worked as expected using the wordpress plugin update mechanism.
    After updating again (to, my add-ons even had new functionality as discussed in another post.

    After I upgraded, I got a message on the top of the plugin overview page.
    The message contained a link to remove the add-on plugin files as their functionality was supposed to be included in the updated version At first I ignored this, things worked fine.
    Then I started to clean up some plugins as I got some memory overflow messages. Luckily this was on my test site.
    Because after I used the link and thus removed the additional add-on plugin files, the add-on functionality was missing…

    As the upgrade may have gone wrong, and its a test site afterall, I de-activated and reinstalled the Updraft Plus plugin from scratch as described by the five steps in the upgrade page.
    Unfortunately, this didn’t help.

    Any suggestions?
    Probably re-install the plugin add-on package again?



    Sorry for the trouble!

    In fact, the old plugin “UpdraftPlus Addons” did not contain the add-ons themselves. It was a connector to link you up to your account – but the addons are in the “UpdraftPlus” plugin. So, you must be having a different problem.

    Do you have a page “Settings -> UpdraftPlus Addons” in your dashboard now? (Note that this page is now provided by the base “UpdraftPlus” plugin). If not, then you must somehow have ended up with the free UpdraftPlus plugin from installed, instead of the Premium one obtained from In that case, follow these install instructions to get the Premium one back:

    Best wishes,


    Thanks for this quick reply.
    I updated again as instructed and it now seems to work ok.
    Must be something I missed somewhere.
    Sorry for the ticket.
    Best regards,

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