Clone Migrate Restore Failed

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  • #230119

    Hi. I’m trying to clone my production site to my devtest environment. It was originally created out of the devtest using updraft clone/migrate functionality, so I am surprized when the same functionality does not work to clone/migrate in the opposite direction. There are the following error messages per an extract from the log file. Can you please advise what I can do to get it to work. Thanks.

    1071.410 () Moving unpacked backup into place…
    1071.413 () Cleaning up rubbish…
    1071.416 () Entity: others
    1071.416 () restore_backup(, type=others, info=a:2:{s:4:”path”;s:50:”/home/bikeswel/”;s:11:”description”;s:6:”Others”;}, last_one=1)
    1071.416 () Unpacking backup… (, 6.8 Mb)
    1100.699 () PHP event: code E_WARNING: copy(): The first argument to copy() function cannot be a directory (line 257, wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-direct.php)
    1100.700 () Error message: Could not move old files out of the way. You should check the file ownerships and permissions in your WordPress installation (/home/bikeswel/
    1100.700 () Restore failed…
    1100.700 () Error message: Could not move old files out of the way. You should check the file ownerships and permissions in your WordPress installation (/home/bikeswel/
    1100.700 () Restore failed

    Bryle Crodua


    There appears to be a file permission issue.

    Can you make sure that UpdraftPlus and WordPress has the correct file permission. The following article on Smashing Magazine is a good guide as to the file permissions/ownerships that are required for WordPress:


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