Error after migration

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  • This topic has 5 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 10 years ago by udadmin.
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  • #23222


    I’ve just done a temporary migration while we wait for a domain to be transferred to our hosting platform. Everything seemed to move across successfully and I can see the files on the FTP server and also that the MySQL DB seems to be the correct size too, however, when I try to browse to the newly migrated site I get this message:

    Your PHP installation appears to be missing the MySQL extension which is required by WordPress

    I did make sure the wp-config overwrite was unchecked, I can’t think what else the issue would be

    any help appreciated.




    Hi Richard,

    That’s a message that’s not from UpdraftPlus, but from WordPress (you can find it in wp-includes/load.php), telling you that your PHP installation that you are trying to run WordPress on is lacking essential components for doing so.

    If you Google that error message, you’ll find a lot of guidance on setting up PHP sufficiently for WordPress.

    Best wishes,


    Hi David,

    I think it could be related to the legacy install of WP I downloaded. Basically the site to be migrated is running 3.6.1 which I downloaded from and installed on the ‘new’ server.

    We do have a one click install script for 3.9.2 which usually always works but I was wondering if the exporting site needs to be upgraded before we do this? If so it could be a potential issue as I don’t really want to risk updating the original site as we don’t have any FTP or MySQL access to put it back if there are any errors (hence the need for updraftplus to export it first)




    Hi Richard,

    WP 3.6 and 3.9 do use different PHP extensions for handling MySQL, yes, so that would explain why one works for you and not the other.

    It’s best if I don’t give you advice about upgrading your WP installations, as the success or failure of that is not within my powers to control!



    To update this I thought I’d try our usual one-click wp-install and then restore the site – Everything works fine until the migration completes then we get the same error message. Googling the error points toward php.ini needing some form of configuration – This is usually managed by our host (below root) but had been added to the (public_html) migration from the existing website, I deleted the php.ini from FTP and everything is appearing and working normal, all in new build 3.9.2




    Hi Richard,

    Glad you got it working… out of interest, what were the contents of your php.ini ?

    Best wishes,

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