how to link wordpress multisite plugin

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  • #1475252
    Timothy Doyle


    I let my wordpress multisite license lapse for about a month. Just renewed it. But I can’t seem to get the site to recognize the license is renewed. I also renewed the Migrator plugin and that one activated with no issues.

    The plugin section for WordPress MultiSite says:
    “Assigned to this site – please follow this link to update the plugin in order to activate it”

    The link just takes me to the general WordPress updates page and I already have the latest UpdraftPlus version, I think –

    I’m on WP 5.8.4 and was really wanting to get an Updraft backup before upgrading to 6.0, so I’m a little hesitant to just upgrade directly to 6.0 without a clean backup.

    Thanks for any suggestions. The license id is 1474571 for site

    Timothy Doyle
    This reply has been marked as moderator-only.
    Bryle Crodua



    It appears that our licencing server did not recognise your purchase as a renewal. I have adjusted your licences, so the renewal message should now disappear. If this does not happen automatically, you can refresh your connection through the ‘Premium/Extensions’ tab.


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