How to login to clone

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  • #627769
    Eleanor Palmisano

    How can I get back to the dashboard in my WordPress clone site? I don’t know what user name and password to use. I only know how to get in with the one-time automatic access. I paid for additional time but can’t get on. Please help!

    Eleanor Palmisano
    This reply has been marked as moderator-only.
    Bryle Crodua

    Hi Eleanor,

    Did you create an “Empty Clone” or cloned one of your sites using UpdrftClone? If the former, username and password are sent to your email. If the latter, you simply have to use the same login information as the source site.


    Eleanor Palmisano

    Perfect! Thank you! So simple, yet it is not really stated anywhere that I could see.

    Bryle Crodua


    You’re welcome. Apologies for the inconvenience. I will ask my colleague to put it in our documentation.

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