Images not found

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  • #209410
    David Harliwich

    Hi there,

    I’m migrating a charity website ( to a new hosting service.
    I installed wordpress and updraft premium and manually uploaded the most recent backup of the site to its new location ( However, following the upload & restoration, most images are not being loaded, and if I follow the image link, I get a “page not found” error.

    Additionally, the title of the site in “appearance/customise” is still “Home – My CMS”, which is definitely not what it was before. Have I done something wrong? What would be the best way to continue troubleshooting this to determine the solution?

    NB: I am accessing the new website through my host file, as I haven’t changed the DNS over, and wondered if this was the problem; if things would somehow just correct themselves if I sent the site live?

    Many thanks, and kind regards,

    Dee Nutbourne

    Hi Dean,

    Please could you send us a copy of the restoration log? This can be found in the ‘wp-content/updraft’ directory of the new site.

    The contents will be too long to post here directly, but you can use an online service such as Dropbox or Pastebin, and post the link here.

    Best Wishes,
    David N

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