Migrate Single Site to Multi Site

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  • This topic has 10 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 7 years ago by Dee Nutbourne.
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  • #204925

    Okay, so I bought UDP Premium. I found that it can migrate single sites to multi site: https://updraftplus.com/shop/network-multisite/ with information here https://updraftplus.com/information-on-importing-a-single-site-wordpress-backup-into-a-wordpress-network-i-e-multisite/ and a dozen or so forum posts from the time before that feature was added. I understand it is still in beta although around for 1 1/2 years, which is fine for me.

    What I didn’t find is: how do I actually do it? I have an UDP backup of a single site, and I want to migrate it to a new site inside my existing network.


    Dee Nutbourne

    Hi Toby,

    To migrate a single site into a multisite installation, follow our migration guide as normal:

    After the files have been processed ready to be restored (Step 6), you should be shown options to restore the backup as a sub-site.

    Best Wishes,
    David N


    Thank you David, that worked mostly. Only thing that didn’t work is that this new website inside the network is not listed in its drop down menues. I have to go to “My Websites” -> “Network administration” -> “Websites” and select it from the list. It is not listed directly unter “My websites”. Or is there any special trick to add it here?


    PS: this functionality is not trivial to find. Before you told me what to do I was afraid to overwrite my whole network with the backup I wanted to migrate into it.

    Dee Nutbourne

    Hi Toby,

    Apologies for the delay.

    Please could you check that your user is added as an admin of the new sub-site?

    I will make a note to clarify the steps required when performing this sort of migration.

    Best Wishes,
    David N


    Thanks David, that did the trick! I could still administer the site, probably since I’m “Super-Administrator”, but I was not listed as a user of that site at all. Didn’t know that, but it absolutely makes sense.



    I have been through the same process, trying to achieve the same goal (move an existing single site into a subdirectory of a multisite network). I am also nervous of overwriting my network db. My question is thus:

    Do i create the subdirectory first (with a temporary url) that i want to migrate/restore into – and if so how do i get access to restore the single site backup via the updraft plugin (as it is installed in the network plugins and doesn’t appear in the subsite’s settings folder).

    OR do i migrate/restore from the network admin and the updraft restore process creates the new subsite (directory) – WITHOUT touching the networks db?

    The steps are not very clear from your document and i have searched the net for hours for this information.

    The single site is not a multisite – if i converted it to an mu first – it would be the primary site and therefore overwrite my destintations primary site instead of restoring to a subdirectory – is that correct?

    Many thanks in advance

    Dee Nutbourne

    Hi Dany,

    You do not need to first create a blank sub-site. UpdraftPlus will create the new site during the migration restoration.

    You are given the options to restore the single site as a new sub-site after the first step of the restoration.

    UpdraftPlus should only be available to the Network Administrator on a multisite.

    Do not convert the single site to a multisite. This will cause the restoration to overwrite the destination network.

    Best Wishes,
    David N


    Brilliant – thank you for the quick response :)


    Hi David,

    How about reverse way? that is to migrate a subsite from Multisite to single site or Mulsite using updraftplus plugin?


    Hi David,

    How about reverse way? that is to migrate a subsite from Multisite to single site or Mulsite using updraftplus plugin?

    Dee Nutbourne

    Hi Grant,

    I’m afraid that it is not currently possible to migrate a subsite to a standalone installation.

    Best Wishes,
    David N

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