Migrate WordPress site to another server

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    I made backups to google drive, changed the DNS setting to point to new hosting server and installed WP. Then tried installing backup but failed. I changed the DNS back to original hosting

    If I use the Migrator, now don’t know quite what to do next.

    What do you do if the sending site and receiving are the same url, any suggestions?

    This reply has been marked as moderator-only.
    Bryle Crodua


    Thanks for asking!
    You would need the migrator for this: https://updraftplus.com/migrator/
    Here are some guides:
    If you are moving hosts but changing the URL, use this guide: https://updraftplus.com/faqs/how-do-i-migrate-to-a-new-site-location/
    If you are moving hosts but keeping the same URL use this guide: https://updraftplus.com/support/moving-hosts/

    Kind Regards,

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