The log shows:
“0487.014 (2) remotesend: ERROR (Exception): backup_2021-04-14-1238_LUX_Art_Consulting_5011a1ca1807-themes.zip: Failed to upload file: cURL error 52: Empty reply from server (get_file_status: http_request_failed) (code: 0, line: 66, file: /home/content/81/12014881/html/wp-content/plugins/updraftplus/methods/remotesend.php)
0486.845 (2) remotesend: ERROR: Failed to upload file: backup_2021-04-14-1238_LUX_Art_Consulting_5011a1ca1807-plugins.zip”
I would recommend asking you hosts/server admin to investigate why the connection is being cut off and show them the relevant error.
You can also use one of the alternative transfer methods to migrate the backups to your new site. These can be found in Step 3 of the migration guide: https://updraftplus.com/faqs/how-do-i-migrate-to-a-new-site-location/