Hi guys,
I recently updated to the latest version of the premium plugin on a few website that I manage and every website where I have done this is now for the first time reporting the following error:
Warning: Your website is visited infrequently and UpdraftPlus is not getting the resources it hoped for; please read this page: https://updraftplus.com/faqs/why-am-i-getting-warnings-about-my-site-not-having-enough-visitors/.
I’ve never had this error before on any of these websites. Is the latest version more aggressive in terms of reporting this error? None of the websites receive a tremendous amount of traffic, but they should be getting at least 5-10 hits per hour I would imagine. I have added a cron to the crontab on one of the hosting accounts, but unfortunately the most frequently I can run a cron from the crontab on that account is every 2 hours.
I figured this was an issue the one particular website because it uses the Sucuri Firewall with caching, but it seems to be on all the sites I have updated now.