"Please Select a File"


  • This topic has 13 replies, 8 voices, and was last updated 6 years ago by udadmin.
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  • #210110

    Hello! When i try to upload the zip file to install the plugin i am getting an error message that just says “Please select a file” with no further direction / places to click to upload. Thanks!

    Dee Nutbourne


    When attempting to choose a file to upload, are you using the ‘Choose file’ button, or dragging and dropping the file? Please could you try the other method if you have not already?

    Alternatively, if you have FTP access to the site, unzip the plugin zip file on your local machine. Then, upload the contents (a single folder called ‘updraftplus’) to the ‘wp-content/plugins’ directory of your site via FTP. The plugin should appear ready to activate in the WP Admin plugins page.

    Best Wishes,
    David N


    I have used the drop and drag method and the Choose File method without the file being zipped. I do not have access to FTP. Still receiving the choose file error. I can install the free version all day, not the purchased version. What is the another step to get it installed? Thank you

    Dee Nutbourne

    Hi @info2653,

    To upload the plugin through WP Admin, the plugin file needs to be zipped.

    Please could you try uploading the zipped plugin file, and send us a screenshot of the error you are seeing?
    You can use an online service such as snag.gy to upload the screenshot and post the link here.

    Best Wishes,
    David N


    Did this get resolved? I have just purchased migrator and am having the same issue. No access to ftp.

    Dee Nutbourne

    Hi @swaters,

    When using the upload tool, are you drag-and-dropping the zip file or using the ‘choose file’ button to select the file to upload? If using the drag-and-drop method, please could you try the button?

    What browser are you using to access the site?

    Best Wishes,
    David N


    I have the exact some problem when trying to upload the zipped migrator file(updraftplus-with-migrator.2.14.8.zip) to my localhost installation. I have tried both drag/drop as well as ‘Select File’ option. I have tried both on IE and Chrome. I always get the same resulting blank page saying “Please select a file”.

    Dee Nutbourne


    Are you using any plugins on the site that affect uploads?

    Does the same issue occur if you attempt to upload a different plugin file?

    Best Wishes,
    David N


    Hi David,
    I am not using any plugins that affect uploads that I am aware of.

    I am able to upload other plugs.

    Dee Nutbourne


    Please could you try following through the following guide, including using the linked version of the plugin on this page:


    This method involves installing the base plugin and activating the Migrator later.

    Does this method succeed?

    Best Wishes,
    David N


    Getting the exact same error as the user above. The file is being uploaded, but then the file that the wordpress event handler is looking for is simply not there.

    I was uploading updraftplus(1).zip ( yes, I bought it twice ).

    My stupid two cents worth. let us upload it from your site

    Dee Nutbourne

    Hi @trevorweir,

    Apologies for the delay in replying.

    Are you still unable to install?

    You can also install the plugin manually via FTP. To do so:

    • Download the plugin zip file
    • Unzip this file. The contents should be a folder named ‘updraftplus’
    • Upload this file to the ‘wp-content/plugins’ directory via FTP

    You should then see the plugin in WP Admin, ready to be installed.

    Best Wishes,
    David N


    Really frustrated. Bought Premium. Tried using it in MAMP to get a site on WAMP that had been backed up using non-Premium.
    I was stepping through the Migrate/Clone and Restore an existing backup set…
    I find the backup set (the only one, dated today)
    I click Restore
    I tick on Plugins to step the process through, clicking Restore.
    Now the previous setting in Migrate/Clone is not available.
    Thinking I’ll do another backup with Premium, I try to install Premium on the old WAMP. I follow the instructions in this thread and get endless problems.
    1. Upload Larger Plugins solved the first one.
    2. Trying both dragging and dropping and uploading failed.
    3. Uploading the unzipped file to wp-content/plugins didn’t work. It doesn’t show up in WP.
    Thus this thread.
    I do manage to restore plugins, but now it seems to have replaced the Premium version with the Free version. Argh. On the MAMP version, I uninstall and reinstall (for the 3rd time) and update to before I proceed again. I confirm that I’m logged in and Migrate a WordPress site to a different location is active. It finally works.

    The backup is on Google drive. I spent hour on this and don’t know what fixed it. I do know that I still can’t install Premium on my WAMP version. I will not have access to the WAMP version in an hour or so.
    Please fix this.


    Hi John,

    Please can you open your own topic? Otherwise, what is written between us gets emailed to everyone else who’s posted on this topic, back to May 2017.

    We should implement something to auto-close old topics. It’s our fault we haven’t done this before – apologies.


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