Problems with Local not working with Updraft and import

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  • #233456
    Dee Nutbourne


    Please could you use the UpdraftPlus Search/Replace Database tool (in the Advanced Tools tab), entering the new and old site URLs without the ‘https://’ section?
    After running the search/replace, could you remove the addition to wp-config.php.

    Best Wished,
    David N

    Tone Merete

    David: Sorry, I’ve been away, but back now. Do you mean I should test out this method on the site I am moving to ( on from live site production on

    Dee Nutbourne


    Apologies, yes, please could you try this on the destination site (

    Best Wishes,
    David N

    Tone Merete

    Hi, David.

    I don’t know how I’m supposed to do this, since there obviously are no occurences of the old domain in the new site database.

    As I wrote: after trying to import UpdraftPlus database package (even with AND without the migration checkbox checked), the domain URL is not replaced. Instead it replaces the new URL (my local install) with the production URL (live install). So that redirects to and so on.

    However. If I then try to define WP_SITEURL and WP_HOME in wp-config I gain access to From there I am able to manually replace the db strings in the advanced settings you just mentioned.

    Here is the result:
    Replace with:
    Search and replacing table: wp_commentmeta: rows: 0
    Search and replacing table: wp_comments: rows: 0
    Search and replacing table: wp_links: rows: 0
    Search and replacing table: wp_options: rows: 1929
    Search and replacing table: wp_postmeta: rows: 28488
    Searching and replacing reached row: 5000
    Searching and replacing reached row: 10000
    Searching and replacing reached row: 15000
    Searching and replacing reached row: 20000
    Searching and replacing reached row: 25000
    Search and replacing table: wp_posts: rows: 1481
    Search and replacing table: wp_rg_form: rows: 3
    Search and replacing table: wp_rg_form_meta: rows: 3
    Search and replacing table: wp_rg_form_view: rows: 423
    Search and replacing table: wp_rg_incomplete_submissions: rows: 0
    Search and replacing table: wp_rg_lead: rows: 78
    Search and replacing table: wp_rg_lead_detail: rows: 1494
    Search and replacing table: wp_rg_lead_detail_long: rows: 0
    Search and replacing table: wp_rg_lead_meta: rows: 0
    Search and replacing table: wp_rg_lead_notes: rows: 0
    Search and replacing table: wp_term_relationships: rows: 142
    Search and replacing table: wp_term_taxonomy: rows: 5
    Search and replacing table: wp_termmeta: rows: 3
    Search and replacing table: wp_terms: rows: 5
    Search and replacing table: wp_usermeta: rows: 82
    Search and replacing table: wp_users: rows: 3
    Tables examined: 21
    Rows examined: 34139
    Changes made: 850
    SQL update commands run: 849

    Then after removing the WP_SITEURL and WP_HOME, everything works as it should.

    Robin Eyre

    Hi Guys,

    David mentioned adding some code to the wp-config file. Even though isn’t too difficult to do I’m not a coder, but do consider myself handy enough with WordPress. The transfer of files from localhost (in my case) to live didn’t change the URL structure. The live structure was still localhost/ It worked in the past. Not now. So I’m a bit reluctant to have to add some code when the solution should work straight out of the box.

    I ended up doing the transfer through FileZilla and editing the wp-config file to match the database, then using a search and replace plugin (I think, it was a couple of weeks ago now) to update the URLs.

    Just to keep the conversation in non-techie speak.



    Tone Merete

    Robin: the hack regarding the stuff in wp-config.php is, just, a hack — and for debugging purposes. This isn’t a fix or a permanent solution, so we just have to wait for the final solution. This should work straight out of the box and UpdraftPlus crew is aware of that.

    Robin Eyre

    OK. Thanks Tone.

    Dee Nutbourne


    Adding the code to wp-config is to allow access to WP Admin, so the search/replace tool can be used.
    Currently there are issues when instances of the old URL in the database use both ‘http’ and ‘https’.

    We have this issue in our bug-list, and a fix should be included in a near-future release.

    Best Wishes,
    David N

    Dee Nutbourne


    Adding the code to wp-config is to allow access to WP Admin, so the search/replace tool can be used.
    Currently there are issues when instances of the old URL in the database use both ‘http’ and ‘https’.

    We have this issue in our bug-list, and a fix should be included in a near-future release.

    Best Wishes,
    David N

    Robin Eyre

    Thanks David.



    Tone Merete

    Cool. How certain are you that this is the source of the problem? I wonder since none of my sites uses https. Might there be some instances of https that I don’t know of?

    That being said. My first thoughts is that it’s strange that this problems occurs now, after so mange vers.

    Sorry for being pessimistic :D Hope you fix this error. Cheers and thank you for your help.

    Tone Merete

    David, any news one this? Cheers.

    Dee Nutbourne

    Hi Tone,

    Our updates tend to be released at the end of each month.
    I will try to ensure that a fix is included in the next update.

    Best Wishes,
    David N

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