Re Authenticate licenses


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    While learning the finer points of UpdraftPlus I installed it twice on “dummy” sites. The sites were practice sites and has now been completely deleted. Is is possible to have these installations removed from my “used licenses” list and regain use of the licenses?

    This is the URL of the sites that are no longer in existence and to which I installed Updraft twice. Silly me.


    Both these URL’s point back to which is the actual site using the UpdraftPlus license … so basically I have 3 licenses assigned to one site. I am trying to figure out how to eliminate the above 2 URL’s from any existing redirects. I’m new to all this!


    Robert Thomason
    [email protected]

    Dee Nutbourne

    Hi Robert,

    As a standard, UpdraftPlus Premium licences are non-transferable between sites, and as such cannot be reassigned.

    However, as these sites no longer exist, I have reset the licences for you as a courtesy.

    Best Wishes,
    David N


    My question is similar, in that I build sites on a subdomain and once site is ready, I use the migrator feature to transfer to permanent domain. I then deactivate and delete the backup plugin and either delete the testing site altogether, or park it in case further tests are needed. This is my normal workflow.

    Obviously I have no need to maintaining a copy of Updraft Premium on the development site, and you will become pretty annoyed at me always asking for the licenses to be reset.

    What’s the best way to do this? the licenses that remain active are for clients who have me monitor their backups on an annual basis, so I don’t see any of those going away. As soon as I hit my limit of permanent sites, I will be upgrading to a larger plan.

    Dee Nutbourne

    Hi Liz,

    If you are only using the Migrator functionality on the temporary sites, it is possible to activate just the Migrator separately.

    At step 4 of the installation guide, instead of activating ‘All Addons’ on the site, scroll down and activate ‘Migrator’. This will then not use up a Premium licence.

    Best Wishes,
    David N

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