S3 access denied

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    I cannot get my new site to connect, and don’t know how to resolve this. I have the paid version of Updraftplus.
    I’ve tried creating new buckets, but those are denied access also.
    My IAM console shows that my access keys are getting accessed.

    This is the error message I keep getting:
    S3 settings test result: Failure: We could not successfully access or create such a bucket. Please check your access credentials, and if those are correct then try another bucket name (as another S3 user may already have taken your name).

    The error reported by S3 was: UpdraftPlus_S3::getBucket(): [AccessDenied] Access Denied

    I have an IAM Access Key and Secret Key.



    The error reported by S3 was: UpdraftPlus_S3::getBucket(): [AccessDenied] Access Denied

    This message means that the key you’ve entered isn’t one that Amazon recognise as authorised to connect to the bucket you’ve entered, or to create new buckets (for new buckets). Either you’re entering bucket names that belong to someone else (Amazon S3 has a shared global namespace), or mis-entering the keys.



    I deleted both buckets I was trying, deleted all my keys, created new bucket, obtained new keys. I’m still getting the same error message.
    Would Amazon let me create multiple buckets with an already-claimed name?
    I’ve tried four different buckets with three different sets of keys.
    I’m stumped.

    >>S3 settings test result: Failure: We could not successfully access or create such a bucket. Please check your access credentials, and if those are correct then try another bucket name (as another S3 user may already have taken your name).

    The error reported by S3 was: UpdraftPlus_S3::getBucket(): [AccessDenied] Access Denied


    Turns out it was the IAM keys. I reverted back to an old set of keys and those worked. Thank you.


    Glad you got it sorted!


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