the backup is not complete

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  • #624123
    Louis Dadrel Akpa

    Hello team

    I am trying to make a backup of my website without success. The process starts well and then it crashes. I don’t know what it is. Can you help me? I’ve been trying for several days without success. Today I noticed that the plugins and the database are backed up, but not the files.

    my website is

    Thanks for your help

    Louis Dadrel Akpa
    This reply has been marked as moderator-only.
    Bryle Crodua


    Please could you send us a copy of the latest full backup log?

    This can be found in the UpdraftPlus Existing Backups tab.
    The contents will be too long to post here directly, but you can use an online service such as Dropbox or Pastebin, and post the link here.


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