Unable to complete backup

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    I’ve searched the forums and still haven’t found a solution for my issue. I’ve reduced the split file size down to 25mb and still can’t complete a successful backup. Please advise. My backup log is at the following link: https://trueitpros-my.sharepoint.com/personal/jason_bearthes_trueitpros_com1/_layouts/15/guestaccess.aspx?docid=1a2dc92c8e12543b583dcb6633346b18a&authkey=AWlET_WnILTk64JYTThoZfs

    Dee Nutbourne


    From the log, there doesn’t appear to be anything that is causing an error. The backup is eventually timed out after a certain amount of time.

    It appears that each resumption is being timed-out after ~120 seconds.
    Could you ask your hosts to check how this time limit is set, and increase it to 300 seconds, if possible? This will allow UpdraftPlus to process more data per resumption.

    Best Wishes,
    David N

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