Unable to install migrator even after renewal

UpdraftPlus Home Forums Paid support forum – UpdraftPlus backup plugin Unable to install migrator even after renewal

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    Normally I use my purchased version of Updraft Plus with Migrator on websites with no problem, but in trying to load it onto a new installation on Bluehost, I get the dreaded {{#if first_instance}} error. I just purchased a RENEWAL of my Migrator add-on, top see if that fixes the issue and while the default installation works, I don’t have the Migration functionality. In the “Premium/Extensions” tab within WordPress, I get a message, “You have an inactive purchase – activate it on this site” in the Migrator box. But when I click this, I get “Claim not granted – perhaps you have already used this purchase somewhere else, or your paid period for downloading from updraftplus.com has expired?”

    What’s going on? I’ve tried to uninstall and reinstall the plugin multiple times, and I get the same thing. My account page on Updraftplus.com confirms that I just paid $49 for the renewal, but under “Downloads”, it shows that my downloads of Migrator expire Jan 2023. It sounds like even though the order has gone through, the license database isn’t recognizing the renewal?


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    Apologies for the inconvenience. I have reset your licences. You should now be able to install and activate the migrator


    Thank you! That fixed everything.

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