UpdraftPlus WordPress 4.2 RC1 popup warning

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    While testing WordPress 4.2 RC1 (everyone is testing, right? :D ) I came across this message.


    Which appears to be part of this 4.2 update.


    I believe it’s related to how UpdraftPlus hooks into plugin updates with the option to backup your old plugin before updating. But to be honest I’m not sure. My javascript is weak and horrible. ;)

    If there’s any more information I can provide please let me know.


    I was the poster of the original message and I was soon joined by one or two more with the same problem.

    At almost any link selection on /wp-admin/plugins.php I was constantly asked to “Confirm Navigation” whether I had entered or altered content on the page or not. Which seeing as it was not possible to directly edit/enter/add content on the plugins page, made no sense at all, and had to be an incompatibility with 4.2 as it certainly wasn’t doing it with 4.1.1.

    To be fair to you, nowhere does it say that this version is compatible with 4.2, in fact a notice to say that it hadn’t been tested with this version was apparent.

    I hope this helps you get ready for 4.2.



    Hi guys,

    UpdraftPlus was tested against WP 4.2 beta 3, and the current release of UD works with that. More changes to how updates work were introduced in WP 4.2 after that, and we’ve been active here and in Trac co-operating with the core team over those. We have a release that makes everything happy again on rc1 that completed testing at the end of last week should be released to the world later today.

    Best wishes,


    Awesome stuff David. Thanks for the feedback.


    I am getting a warning “Warning: The installed version of UpdraftPlus Backup/Restore has not been tested on your version of WordPress (4.2.1). It has been tested up to version 4.0. You should update UpdraftPlus to make sure that you have a version that has been tested for compatibility.”

    Are you guys done testing with 4.2.1 yet ? Would really like this warning to go away as our clients will see those and it does not inspire confidence.



    I am getting a warning “Warning: The installed version of UpdraftPlus Backup/Restore has not been tested on your version of WordPress (4.2.1).

    What is “The installed version of UpdraftPlus”, on the site where you are seeing this?

    Are you guys done testing with 4.2.1 yet ?

    Yes, there was a tested + compatible version of UD released before WP 4.2.1 was out.

    Best wishes,

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