What login to use with Updraft Clone?

UpdraftPlus Home Forums Paid support forum – UpdraftPlus backup plugin What login to use with Updraft Clone?

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  • #405550

    Hi, I’m trying to access my cloned site but I can’t seem to login via the dashboard page. I have a login lockout plugin installed and tried to many times so now I need to wait to access it until it times out but I need to know what login to use when I can get in. I have an email with a one time login link but how will I login again?

    Thanks for the help.

    Bryle Crodua


    UpdraftClone sites uses the same username and password as your source site.
    It is possible that the lockout plugin is causing the issue. You can try to disable that plugin using FTP.
    FTP username and password can be found from your account here – https://updraftplus.com/my-account/clones/


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