WordPress.org Message Updraft Expired But Updraft Shows Active

UpdraftPlus Home Forums Paid support forum – UpdraftPlus backup plugin WordPress.org Message Updraft Expired But Updraft Shows Active

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  • #621382

    A couple questions…

    So my WordPress.org dashboard displays this message: “Your paid access to UpdraftPlus updates for this site has expired. You will no longer receive updates to UpdraftPlus. To regain access to updates (including future features and compatibility with future WordPress releases) and support, please renew.”

    However, my UpdraftPlus account says:

    “Subscription #415121 was started on July 24, 2019 11:52 pm and is currently active.”
    “Subscription #424712 was started on August 21, 2019 5:18 am and is currently active.”

    Also, it does look like I subscribed twice, so should I just ignore the one expiring this month?

    And this is what expired but not sure if I need it – I’m managing a very small site for my son until he’s on online again:

    UpdraftPlus : All addons
    You’ve got itUpdraftPlus Premium : brings access to all UpdraftPlus add-ons and support.
    Expired updates subscription (2020-07-04) on: Unusued entitlement

    This reply has been marked as moderator-only.
    Bryle Crodua


    Apologies. It appears that expiry date is out of sync. I have adjusted your licences, so the renewal message should now disappear. If this does not happen automatically, you can refresh your connection through the ‘Premium/Extensions’ tab.

    Subscription #415121 is for your UpdraftVault Storage 5gb.
    Subscription #424712 is for your UpdraftPlus Premium which will auto renew on August 17, 2020.


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