UpdraftPlus News Centre & Blog
We discuss the latest insights, security hacks, and industry news
UpdraftPlus security release – 1.22.3 / 2.22.3 – please upgrade
Our new UpdraftPlus release, 1.22.3 (free version) / 2.22.3 (paid versions) is a security release. The short version is: you should update. To get the details, read on! On the evening of February 15th, we received a security defect report from security researcher...
WP-Optimize vs W3 Total Cache (W3TC): Which is the best WordPress optimization plugin?
https://youtu.be/VqIU5IfZnqU When there are two equally great products gaining popularity at a fairly equal pace in the same market, only small but important detail can set them apart. Think of two high end hairdressers that both offer the same services and quality...
9 tips and tactics for building a solid WordPress site SEO strategy
Search engine optimization or “SEO” stands at the forefront of all digital marketing activities. To put it simply, SEO is the process of getting websites to rank higher on a Google search result. While there are other search engines available of course, we will...
WP-Optimize vs. WP Super Cache
https://youtu.be/IQKyXezUIYw Imagine you have the choice between two 5-star restaurants that serve equally great food, but one of them takes your order, serves you drinks and gets your meal out to you in ten minutes, while the other restaurant takes 60 minutes to even...
WP-Optimize vs. Autoptimize: Which is the best WordPress optimization plugin?
https://youtu.be/QJX4aK8fXqs Every day, it seems there is more and more competition for people's time. Be it the internet, movies, TV, video games or streaming, these days, in order for your site to be successful and gain traction, you not only need to have an...