Selectively restoring on WordPress multisite

One of our most commonly requested features is for WordPress Multisite (i.e. Network) users to be able to restore only one specific site, and not the entire network. This is handy if a particular site administrator wants to roll back something on their site, without...

Microsoft Azure support

Support for Microsoft Azure (blob storage) is coming to UpdraftPlus Premium! Azure storage is basically Microsoft’s competitor product to Amazon S3 / Google Cloud Storage / Rackspace Cloud Files, for business/corporate storage (to be compared with Microsoft...

Google Cloud Storage is coming…

Google Cloud Storage support is coming to UpdraftPlus! There are a lot of cloud storage vendors out there. They can’t all survive, long-term. But there’s a few big brand names that you expect to hang around, regardless of what happens to the others. Google...

UpdraftPlus 1.11.12 / 2.11.12

UpdraftPlus 1.11.12 (free versions) / 2.11.12 (paid versions) is in the process of being released – look for it in your WP dashboard’s “Updates” page in the next day or so. Thank you for making UpdraftPlus to be WordPress’s #1-most...