UpdraftCentral Product Comparison

Cloud vs Self-hosted

Compare UpdraftCentral WordPress management tools

Which version of UpdraftCentral is right for you? Compare features, functionalities, and pricing options below

UpdraftCentral Cloud

  • UpdraftCentral Cloud is free for customers managing five WordPress websites or fewer.
  • Purchase UpdraftCentral Cloud to connect more than five WordPress websites.

To get UpdraftCentral for free on up to five websites, visit ‘My Account’ on updraftplus.com. You may need to login, or create an account first. To purchase UpdraftCentral Cloud, use the link below.


UpdraftCentral Cloud FeaturesBuy UpdraftCentral Cloud 


UpdraftCentral Self-Hosted

  • For customers who prefer to self-host in their own server environments.
  • There is a free and a premium self-hosted option.
  • The premium self-hosted option has all the features of UpdraftCentral Cloud (above).
  • There are fewer features in the free self-hosted version vs the premium self-hosted option.


Self-hosted Free Self-hosted Premium

UpdraftCentral product comparison

Master login

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Manage updates

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Manage backups

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Manage users

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Manage comments

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Install and activate plugins and themes

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Google Analytics

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Advanced admin tools

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Premium support

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Get it free


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