UpdraftPlus 1.8.1 has been released… it should appear in your WordPress updates dashboard in the next day or two.

It’s quite a packed release; many little tweaks for convenience and usability, and some minor bug fixes. We recommend that everyone updates.

The highlights are:

  • The new “Reporting” add-on – nicer reports on your backups, with more flexibility (Premium feature)
  • The new Rackspace Cloud Files enhancement for Premium users, allowing them to set up new sub-users in their Rackspace account that can only access one Cloud Files container – recommended for a secure setup. Plus various other Rackspace Cloud Files improvements for all users (some of which require PHP 5.3.3 – e.g., being able to choose your storage region (e.g. Dallas, Sydney, etc.)).
  • If using “Backup Now”, to take a quick backup that you just want to instantly download, then there’s an extra option to prevent the backup being sent to the cloud
  • All restore/migration operations are now logged much more fully; making trouble-shooting much easier
  • Restore/migration operations now require fewer file permissions – this should particularly help Windows Azure users (where the default WordPress set up was too restrictive and previously needed modifying)
  • Tested on the immanent WordPress 3.8!

We’ve still got plenty lined up, both for our own infrastructure and for new features and improvements. UpdraftPlus is the place where innovation is taking place in WordPress backups – stay tuned!

Are you ready to upgrade to UpdraftPlus Premium? Learn more from the shop page by following this link…

David Anderson (founder, lead developer, UpdraftPlus)
