The right WordPress backup plugin can make all the difference. You want to choose one that’s secure and reliable, as you’ll be depending on these backups if your site ever goes down.

UpdraftPlus – our plugin – and BackWPup are two popular backup plugins worth considering. Each offers a wide range of features, but this can make choosing between them confusing.

Whether you’re looking for the most feature-rich premium plugin or the one with the most free offerings, this comparison will highlight the major differences between UpdraftPlus vs. BackWPup.

By the end, you’ll have a clearer idea of what sets these two plugins apart and can choose the best one to meet your needs.

UpdraftPlus vs. BackWPup: Key features

Feature UpdraftPlus BackWPup
Backup types UpdraftPlus allows you to backup files and databases individually, or to perform a full backup of both. BackWPup also supports file and database backups. Run them separately or together.
Manual and scheduled backups Allows scheduling of backups at custom intervals for free, every 2, 4, 8 or 12 hours, daily, weekly, fortnightly or monthly.  UpdraftPlus Premium allows you to configure detailed retention rules. Allows you to configure WP-Cron to set up a backup schedule.
Backup to remote storage Supports FTP,  S3 storage, Dropbox, Amazon S3, OpenStack, Rackspace, DreamObjects, Google Drive and email for free. UpdraftPlus Premium supports SFTP, Azure, pCloud, Google Cloud, Backblaze, OneDrive and WebDAV, and allows you to backup to many locations. Supports email, FTP, Dropbox, S3, Azure, Rackspace and SugarSync for free. BackWPup Pro supports Amazon Glacier, Google Drive, HiDrive and OneDrive. Allows multi-location backup for free, but with fewer options.
Backup restore One-click restore any backup, from any location, for free. UpdraftPlus Premium allows you to restore backups from other plugins. Can restore for free via file upload. One-click restore and restoring from remote storage requires the Pro version. BackWPup can only restore backups from its own plugin.
Migration and cloning Supports migration natively for free with more customisation available in UpdraftPlus Premium. You can also use UpdraftClone to create a staging site. Supports migration to a new domain, but only in the Pro version through their standalone Restore app.
Multisite support Supports multisite in UpdraftPlus Premium and can restore individual sub-sites. Cannot migrate single sub-sites to a standalone site. Supports multisite for free, but does not support restoring individual sub-sites.
Incremental backups Premium version supports incremental backups. and allows detailed customisation of what you save. Pro version supports ‘synchronise file by file to destination’, similar to incremental backups. 
Backup/database encryption All data stored in UpdraftVault is encrypted. UpdraftPlus Premium users can encrypt database files with their own key. Pro version supports encryption of any files and databases.
Centralised backup management Free, centralised backup management on up to five sites via UpdraftCentral. No centralised backup management for multiple WordPress websites.  
Advanced reporting Basic reports sent to admin email in free version. Advanced reporting tools available in UpdraftPlus Premium. Basic, free email reports only.

As far as basic backup and restore goes, both UpdraftPlus and BackWPup are fairly similar. But when it comes to certain advanced features, UpdraftPlus stands out here.

Most notably, UpdraftPlus has more free remote storage options. BackWPup has fewer and you can’t restore from remote storage without paying. One-click restore is also not included in the free version of BackWPup.

UpdraftPlus Premium natively supports advanced reporting, and offers stronger multisite support. You can also manage multiple WordPress sites from one secure browser based dashboard via UpdraftCentral. These features are missing from BackWPup.

To be fair, BackWPup does provide free multisite support while UpdraftPlus does not, however users won’t be able to restore sub-sites (only the network as a whole) whereas you can do this with UpdraftPlus Premium. BackWPup has sophisticated encryption in its Pro version, and lets you backup to multiple locations in its free version.

But overall, both UpdraftPlus Premium and free have more and better features.

UpdraftPlus vs. BackWPup: Areas of difference

While both UpdraftPlus and BackWPup are powerful backup plugins, key differences set them apart. Let’s go over these in detail so you can decide for yourself which plugin is right for you or your business.

UpdraftPlus vs. BackWPup: Backup options

The process of taking a backup should be simple and straightforward. How does this compare in UpdraftPlus vs. BackWPup? Let’s look at how to take a backup in the free versions for a fair comparison.


In UpdraftPlus, once you install the plugin, it’s really easy to take a quick backup. You’ll find it in Settings > UpdraftPlus Backups.


Make sure you’re on the Backup / Restore tab, and click the big Backup Now button. You’ll see a pop-up where you can decide whether to include the database or site files (or both). You can also configure what files are saved in this menu.


Just click Backup Now and UpdraftPlus will get started.

If you need to set up remote storage, just check the Settings tab and click on your preferred cloud storage provider. You can  schedule file and database backups from the same tab.


UpdraftPlus Premium also has a few more features, such as: 

    • Configure what database tables are backed up, including external non-WP databases.
    • Access to more remote storage options.
    • Multisite support.
    • More remote storage destinations.
    • Backup to multiple remote storage destinations.


As for BackWPup, it’s a little less straightforward. Once you install it, you’ll see a new BackWPup menu item in your sidebar. You’ll want to head to BackWPup > Add new job.


Each of the tabs contain various settings for this single ‘backup job’. You can use this to configure multiple backups with different settings. For example, you can use the Schedule tab to create a scheduled backup.

Setting up remote storage can be confusing; you need to scroll all the way down to Job Destination and tick each storage option you want.


Then you need to scroll back up to the tabs at the top of the page, where you’ll see new tabs for each remote storage option. You’ll have to click each one to configure/authenticate them.


Once all this is done, you should go to BackWPup > Jobs, hover over the job you created, and click Run now.


This involves quite a lot of steps.  One-click backup in UpdraftPlus is much more intuitive. It centralises all its functionality into one page, while BackWPup scatters it over many pages that feel cluttered. Adding new remote storage options is not intuitive and terminology like ‘jobs’ can be confusing for new users.

They both get the job done, but UpdraftPlus is definitely easier and quicker to use here.

UpdraftPlus vs. BackWPup: Restoration

An easy and quick restoration is just as important as the process of taking a backup. How does this look in UpdraftPlus and BackWPup?


Restoring in UpdraftPlus is done in the same central dashboard. In the Backup / Restore tab, scroll down to the Existing Backups section and click Restore on any backup you’ve taken before. You can also click Upload backup files if you want to upload a zip file manually.



In BackWPup, you can restore through the BackWPup > Restore menu. This just supports file upload in the free version; only the Pro version has one-click restore.

backup-upload window

There’s a major limitation here: if you back up to cloud storage, you won’t be able to restore it unless you do it manually.  Another caveat is that only BackWPup backups can be restored here. With UpdraftPlus Premium, you can restore backups from any plugin, including BackWPup.

In short, BackWPup is limited here compared to either version of UpdraftPlus.

UpdraftPlus vs. BackWPup: Migration and cloning

What if you want to migrate your site to another installation or clone it for testing purposes? Both plugins support this functionality, but in different ways.

A simple migration can be done with the free version of UpdraftPlus. This just involves taking a backup, downloading the zip file, and ‘restoring’ it onto a different website. You can do the same with BackWPup but would have to opt for the premium version. 

But what about advanced features?


UpdraftPlus Premium supports direct site-to-site migration. You can also customise exactly what is migrated over.


There’s also UpdraftClone, which lets you quickly spin up temporary website clones on servers belonging to UpdraftPlus (so you don’t need separate hosting etc.).


These are premium services. UpdraftClone can be used with the free version, but you’ll need to buy tokens. Direct site-to-site migration is a feature of UpdraftPlus Premium. 


BackWPup does not support cloning at all, and its migration features are less straightforward. If you have BackWPup Pro, you can manually install a standalone app and use this to migrate your site. But the steps to do so are lengthy and confusing for inexperienced users.

Migration is a paid feature for BackWPup, but with UpdraftPlus, you’re getting an easier experience and it’s included in the free version.

UpdraftPlus vs. BackWPup: Customer support and documentation

Good support isn’t something to overlook. Technical issues happen, but a friendly and experienced support team can make the difference. How do these two plugins stack up?


With UpdraftPlus, there are many support options available. Free version users can post in the WordPress support forums for help. UpdraftPlus support agents tend to stay on top of things there and resolve most problems quickly.


Premium UpdraftPlus users can submit a support ticket. You’ll usually receive a reply within 24 hours. 


BackWPup uses a similar support model; free users can post on the support forum on Support agents answer questions twice a week for two hours and resolve most issues.


Paid users receive premium ticket support.

UpdraftPlus vs. BackWPup: User reviews and ratings

Finally, how do users feel about UpdraftPlus vs. BackWPup? It’s a good idea to read the reviews before you spend money on anything.


UpdraftPlus maintains a five-star average on from a total of 7,500+ reviews.


Over 7,000 of these are five-star reviews, which praise its functionality in its free version as well as its ease of use.

I tried a few backup plugins, but this one was the only one that could do what I needed. 

Thanks a lot!


You can also read various UpdraftPlus testimonials or check third-party review websites. On TrustPilot, it has a 4.5 star ranking.


BackWPup is also ranked highly, with a 4.5 star rating from 1,000+ reviews on


Five-star reviews praise its reliability. One-star reviews touch on the lack of restore functionality in the free version or confusion in configuring remote storage.

Overall, UpdraftPlus has more positive reviews and a greater proportion of them. BackWPup is close, but there are some issues causing people to leave one-star reviews.

UpdraftPlus vs. BackWPup: Pricing and plans

While features are important, your budget is just as much so. How much can you expect to pay for UpdraftPlus vs. BackWPup?

Both of these plugins use a similar pricing model; you get the same premium features regardless of how many websites you have but the pricing does change according to how many licenses you need.

BackWPup pricing and plans

For BackWPup, Pro plans currently range from $69-$349/year. Their cheapest Standard plan provides one licence, while their most expensive Agency plan gives 100. You receive all features plus updates and premium support for one year. Also, renewal is cheaper than the initial purchase; for a standard plan, you only pay $39 after the first year.


UpdraftPlus pricing and plans

As for UpdraftPlus, its plans range from $70-$399/year. Our cheapest plan gives you two licences, while the Enterprise plan gives you unlimited licences. The most expensive Gold plan also gives you unlimited use of UpdraftCentral Cloud.

Overall, UpdraftPlus plans are cheaper and provide much more value. The cheapest BackWPup plan is similarly priced but provides only one licence. UpdraftPlus gives you two, as well as a token for UpdraftClone and 1GB of UpdraftVault storage.  

While you can get 35 licences with UpdraftPlus’ Agency plan for $145/year, with BackWPup, you receive only 25 licences for $279/year. For $195/year with UpdraftPlus, you can have unlimited licences; this isn’t an option with BackWPup, which charges $349/year for only 100 licences.

The worlds most trusted backup plugin

Join over 3 million WordPress sites that trust UpdraftPlus for reliable, secure backups.

Conclusions and recommendations

Which backup plugin you go with is no small choice. Whether you’re running a large business or blogging as an individual, losing your hard work would be disastrous. You need to pick the backup plugin that works best.

UpdraftPlus and BackWPup are both solid backup solutions, but UpdraftPlus stands out due to its extensive features. More remote storage options, a more straightforward interface, intuitive migration options and better handling of multisite are some of the major differences.

If you want to see for yourself, give UpdraftPlus Premium a try today. If you need an advanced backup plugin with an array of features, you won’t be disappointed.


What is the difference between UpdraftPlus and BackWPup?

UpdraftPlus offers more features. This includes one-click restore, a wider variety of cloud storage integrations, more intuitive site migration and deeper multisite support. BackWPup, though a reliable backup solution, lacks many advanced features like this.

Which backup plugin is best for WordPress?

UpdraftPlus is generally considered to be the better option for WordPress due to having more comprehensive features. Its intuitive interface and ease of use is another plus. It backs up, migrates and restores and supports a wide variety of cloud storage options.

Can I use UpdraftPlus to migrate my WordPress site?

Yes, the free version of UpdraftPlus supports basic site migration (download backups or upload to remote storage, connect to the same location in the destination site then restore backups). The premium version allows for direct site-to-site migration and gives you more control of what you migrate. It also works in multisite environments.

Does BackWPup support incremental backups?

BackWPup has a ‘synchronise file by file to destination’, a very similar feature to incremental backups. UpdraftPlus also supports incremental backups, with the added advantage that you can customise exactly what you back up. 
