It is possible to put any other file/directory to the backup. I need that feature, but for one other directory there are one directory which should be included. That is a “cache” folder. Therefore it would be fine, if it … Continue reading
Hello, I am a new customer of the pack Updraftplus Premium and I also wish to buy the offer Updraftcentral Premium (Unlimited). But the problem is that I have more than 100 websites and each of them receives almost daily … Continue reading
We migrated all our managed WP sites from ManageWP to UpdraftCentral hoping it would be a step up and we are finding that we have to click more to get where we need, for example if the main dashboard showed … Continue reading
Hi I have been using updraftplus for 3yrs now. The lowest time possible to set the backup frequency is each 4-hours. I think for people using the high plan of updraftplus, we SHOULD BE ABLE to set a custom time … Continue reading
Hi, I recently run into a non-functioning installation where the .htaccess and the wp-login.php were confusing trying to compare with backupped files I could not find these eminient important files in the updraft-backups and I did not find a way … Continue reading