Backup actual VPS server running the WHM / cPanel? See post: Cant add description to this Feature Request?!



  1. Peter

    Could not leave description to this above? So here’s a comment instead.

    See post:

    As a UDP Premium customer (small web agency / web hotel) for many years, I really think UDP Premium works great! And it also helped me out of trouble a few times with it’s excellent restoring features. BUT there seems to be one missing key feature…
    WHM server vps backup?

    I do not mean backing up just the client websites on WHM / cPanel (which we already do with UDPP), but rather the WHM server itself with all its settings, all client accounts (web, mail, settings) etc. Meaning backing up the hole VPS server, so if the worst thing happens we can start over without doing all setups from scratch. (We DO have all client websites backup up, but not client mails etc)

    Right now we’re looking into rclone (don’t fully support Dropbox), rsync, rsnapshot, whmeasybackup… The best solution for us would be if this software also supports Dropbox fully and was a part of the UDPP.

    THANK’s for creating this 🙂

  2. udadmin


    Thank you for contributing an idea!

    UpdraftPlus is a WordPress plugin. It can’t operate at a higher level to backup things higher up the stack. That’s not technically possible.


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