Ability to migrate to local multi-site installation using subroutines.

I have discovered a SIMPLE way to create multi-site using subroutines locally on Ampps for both Windows and Mac.
UpdraftPlus worked perfectly with restore/migration to the localhost from live site WITH no issues with site/url path!

The feature would be if anything to have this method put into a page with step by step instructions and possibly include a video or two.

This took me quite a while to figure out using hosts file and creating a domain which can end with anything even “.com” with no brower issues.

My reason for putting this request here is to find out if anyone is interested in getting a complete description of how I do it? Just let me know.
Best contact: [email protected] (Ralph Atkinson)

My url’s to run locally are exactly the same as any live site…can even use: https.


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