Multisite support is lacking, and needs to be able to back-up and restore sub-sites as new sites.

UpDraft needs to be able to backup and Restore sites within the Network, as well as BackUp the entire network as needed.

One should also to be able to use Migrate with Multi-site to a backup a sub-site to a new site in the Network as a template for a new Network Sub-site.

This is essential for sub-site development.

It’s very supposing this does not already work.

Cloning a sub-site within a Network makes more immediate sense than being able to export or import sites from the Network, though those would be useful as well.

Overall, Updraft’s Multisite plugin seems under powered, as it lacks the obvious features iterated above.




  1. beth.nicol

    This is the function that I really need. BackupBuddy had it as “experimental” and I used it frequently. I would still be with them if they could have managed the backup of entire large sites simply because of the ability to export/import sites between multisite and single installs.

  2. macitalerts

    Agreed. Other backup solutions do this, but Updraft Plus doesn’t. I could really use this right now.

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