I have bought a 10 pack, 6 or 7 of which are now on sites that are defunct. I was not aware until I needed to install on a new site that I don’t have access to those licenses to reuse. Is there a process for getting them to a state that they can be recovered in my account? What do I do in the meantime? Is there an on-site process to deactivate them? I could not find a solution in your docs.
Thanks, but when I go the support site and select, “I want to release a license” I end up at a dead end where there is no submit button. It suggests I go to my license page to release them. Unfortunately none of them have a link to release them. My order number is 354554. I want to recover the licenses form the following defunct sites:
My account now shows I have 7 licenses available. However, when I try to install one of those licenses on a new site, I get an error telling me I am out of licenses and need to buy more. How do I fix this?
Apologies, please could you try connecting the site to your account, but disable the ‘Add this website to UpdraftCentral’ option: https://prnt.sc/nut7r2
I believe an issue with the UpdraftCentral registration code is blocking the site from being assigned a licence.