Undo Cancel Subscription UpdraftPlus Premium

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  • #1575871
    Markus Huefner

    I accidentally cancelled my Premium Personal Subscription. Is it possible to cancel this? I need Premium for two websites. I was confused by the prices. I used to pay 33 euros per year, but a new Premium Subscription would now cost 55 euros. Can you please explain this?

    Do I have any other add ons or subscriptions that are still active and renew automatically?

    Kind Regards

    Markus Huefner

    Markus Huefner
    This reply has been marked as moderator-only.
    Bryle Crodua

    Hi Markus,

    I’m afraid that we cannot undo the cancellation of your subscription. However, your license should still work until its expiration date.
    What you need to do though is to renew it manually before it expires on 2022-12-09. To renew, please check this article – https://updraftplus.com/renewing-updraftplus-purchase/


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