UpdraftPlus Settings page in sites, not Network dashboard of multisite

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  • #225806
    Philip Franckel

    After installing the UpdraftPlus Module, I see the UpdraftPlus Backups settings page in the dashboard of each site but not in the Network dashboard of multisite



    This means that you don’t have the “network/multisite” add-on installed. So, if you bought that add-on standalone, it’s not yet installed; if you bought Premium (which includes all add-ons), then Premium isn’t fully installed. Please check that you’ve gone through all the steps: https://updraftplus.com/support/installing-updraftplus-premium-your-add-on/ – when complete, your installed version number will both begin with 2. and not end with .0.


    Philip Franckel

    I installed the UpdraftPlus plugin but didn’t activate the Multisite add-on. However, after activating the multisite add-on, I was taken to a page on the main site which said “Sorry the post you looking for have been removed, feel free to browse our other post”

    UpdraftPlus Backups is now appearing in the settings but I see the following 4 notices/warnings:

    Warning: The scheduler is disabled in your WordPress install, via the DISABLE_WP_CRON setting. No backups can run (even “Backup Now”) unless either you have set up a facility to call the scheduler manually, or until it is enabled. Go here for more information.

    Welcome to UpdraftPlus! To make a backup, just press the Backup Now button. To change any of the default settings of what is backed up, to configure scheduled backups, to send your backups to remote storage (recommended), and more, go to the settings tab.
    Dismiss this notice.

    UpdraftPlus warning: This is a WordPress multi-site (a.k.a. network) installation. WordPress Multisite is supported, with extra features, by UpdraftPlus Premium, or the Multisite add-on. Without upgrading, UpdraftPlus allows every blog admin who can modify plugin settings to back up (and hence access the data, including passwords, from) and restore (including with customised modifications, e.g. changed passwords) the entire network. (This applies to all WordPress backup plugins unless they have been explicitly coded for multisite compatibility).

    Your WordPress install has old directories from its state before you restored/migrated (technical information: these are suffixed with -old). You should press this button to delete them as soon as you have verified that the restoration worked.

    Philip Franckel

    I made a mistake. It was still appearing in settings for subsites but not the network. I checked the plug-in for the admin network and found that It had the version number with a 0 at the end and there was a notice saying an update was available. After updating, I now see it in the settings for the network. Additionally, most of the messages are gone except for:

    Your WordPress install has old directories from its state before you restored/migrated (technical information: these are suffixed with -old). You should press this button to delete them as soon as you have verified that the restoration worked.

    I’m reluctant to delete these folders until I know exactly what they are. Should I look for them using an FTP client? I don’t see a button in your software to show me what folders they are. If I have to use an FTP client, can you tell me where these old folders are located? Why are there old folders suffixed with -old and how were they created?

    Dee Nutbourne


    The old directory message refers to directories that UpdraftPlus creates when restoring a backup.
    These directories are copies of the restored directories from before the restoration, with the suffix ‘-old’.

    UpdraftPlus creates these directories to give a ‘last-chance’ backup point, in case the restoration fails. The contents of the ‘-old’ folders can then be manually restored to set the site back to its original state.

    These directories are located in the ‘wp-content’ and ‘wp-content/updraft’ directory, and can be safely removed.

    Best Wishes,
    David N

    Philip Franckel

    I deleted the old directories and now have this message:
    Warning: WordPress has a number (66) of scheduled tasks which are overdue. Unless this is a development site, this probably means that the scheduler in your WordPress install is not working. Read this page for a guide to possible causes and how to fix it.

    Dee Nutbourne


    It is possible that these are scheduled tasks that were in the restored database.
    Please could you try reloading the WP Admin dashboard of the site a few times. This should allow the overdue tasks to be cleared from the scheduler.

    Best Wishes,
    David N

    Philip Franckel

    It now says:
    Warning: The scheduler is disabled in your WordPress install, via the DISABLE_WP_CRON setting. No backups can run (even “Backup Now”) unless either you have set up a facility to call the scheduler manually, or until it is enabled. Go here for more information.

    Philip Franckel

    Another question: there are six download buttons. I thought there would be one download button for one file that contained everything. Is that possible or do I have to download six different items?

    Dee Nutbourne


    >”Warning: The scheduler is disabled in your WordPress install, via the DISABLE_WP_CRON setting.”
    It appears that the WordPress scheduler has been explicitly disabled. This is usually done through the wp-config.php file. Please could you check this file for the following line:
    define('DISABLE_WP_CRON', true);
    If this line is present delete it or comment it out (add // to the beginning of that line).

    UpdraftPlus does not currently have a method of downloading the full backup in one file. Each section of the backup needs to be downloaded separately.

    Best Wishes,
    David N

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