What is your privacy policy for the use of your Dropbox app?

This privacy policy is published by the creators of UpdraftPlus, Updraft WP Software Ltd. (please see the footer of this page for company registration number). It applies only if you are using our built-in app for authentication. If you configure UpdraftPlus to use...

How can I use my own Dropbox app?

N.B. This question is talking about Dropbox “apps”, meaning developer applications, configured at https://www.dropbox.com/developers/apps. It’s nothing to do with your Dropbox “app” on an iPhone, tablet, PC, etc. It’s a question for...

How do I unlink UpdraftPlus from my Dropbox?

If you still have access to the WordPress site you want to unlink, then simply 1) log in and go to the UpdraftPlus settings page and 2) go to the ‘Expert / Debugging’ tab, and press the “Wipe Settings” button at the bottom of the page. But what...

How can I change or re-authenticate my Dropbox account?

In the “Dropbox” section of the UpdraftPlus settings page (in your WordPress dashboard), there is a “re-authenticate” link. Use this whenever you wish to re-authenticate your Dropbox account (e.g. if you made a change to your Dropbox account...

Where in Dropbox are my files stored?

UpdraftPlus uses what Dropbox calls an “app folder”. This means that UpdraftPlus only has access to its own files – not any other part of your Dropbox. App folders are all stored in the top-level folder called “apps”, with their own name....