Monthly Site Activity Reports for Clients

I manage sites for many clients and would like to be able to send a summary report each month that shows what has been done – backups, plugin/theme/WP updates). Possibly even Google Analytics.

I love the UpdraftPlus backup/restore plugin and use it for migrations, etc., It beats BackupBuddy hands down, in my opinion. But am currently using iThemes iSync for remote updates because they have a reporting function that can be scheduled and then emailed directly to clients. I’d prefer to use Updraft Central and keep everything in one place.

Also, don’t if it’s just me, but the font color for this description box is displaying as white so I have to select the text to see what I’ve typed!

Thank you for your consideration.



  1. Stefan

    Yes please, do it, add a report function. A one-click solution would be good enough for me and a simple list of all activities in a selected period would do the trick, but the option to schedule it would be very nice to have too. The missing reports are the number one drawback to comparable solutions like managewp. Thanks, kr, Stefan

  2. bill-4836

    I’m an UpdatePlus subscriber….. and I would use UpdateCentral in a heartbeat……… but not without reporting. This needs to be taken seriously because, when you sell maintenance services to several clients, they deserve a report on what you are doing for them. Client Reports would actually help you guys sell UpdraftCentral. Pretty much a no-brainer from my point of view. I’m not going to make manual reports for each client every month. So, for now, I’ll continue with ManageWP because they have a whole activity report system.

  3. nathan20

    I would consider switching to updraft central if you did this. I currently trying MainWP for its reports, but would be nice to keep it all with updraft

  4. allison2

    I also consider this to be essential. The email reporting that’s included should only go to the Webmaster and not the end clients. It appears I’ll need to create my own fancy client report for backup and updates?

  5. David Charles

    Me too. Has to have a report or the client has no idea what you’re doing for the money; if anything. I would like to use UpdraftCentral but not without reports.

  6. roberto1

    I, too, support this feature. Ideally branded activity reports would be generated automatically at the end of the month and sent to clients.

    It’d be great if reporting would be integrated with certain other plugin data, for example, Clean Talk’s spam stats, form’s submissions, etc.

    The ability to (manually) add custom entries for extra items that are done for particular clients, would make it a clincher.

    Hope you consider adding reports soon. It seems it’s been a while since folks have been requesting this. Thank you!

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