UpdraftVault Storage FAQs

To buy UpdraftVault storage space, go here – or buy UpdraftPlus Premium and get 1GB for free.

UpdraftPlus Vault

What is UpdraftVault?

UpdraftVault is built-in storage space for your UpdraftPlus backups, which saves you depending on another storage system (and all the complication of figuring out what to buy and how to use it). Because it’s been tailored specifically for use in UpdraftPlus, it’s as simple as possible to understand and to use.

How reliable is UpdraftVault?

UpdraftVault will store multiple (i.e. redundant) copies of your backups at data-centres in multiple locations with 99.999999999% reliability. We’ve built it on top of Amazon’s world-leading storage cloud; no vendor provides a higher reliability. So you don’t have to compromise between simplicity and quality: UpdraftVault has both.

Where is my data stored?

UpdraftVault will store multiple (i.e. redundant) copies of your backups at data-centres in multiple locations. Although we cannot guarantee the precise location of your data, it will be at the nearest possible location, prioritising data centres within your continent, and you can see where it is in your account. Currently there are data centres in the USA, Canada, India, South Korea, Singapore, Australia, Japan, Germany, Ireland, the UK, France, Sweden, Brazil and Hong Kong.

Is my WordPress backup data routed via your (UpdraftPlus)’s servers?

No. The UpdraftPlus plugin, installed on your website, will send your backup data directly to the storage cloud. It is not routed through any of our servers.

Is UpdraftVault data encrypted?

Yes: data is both sent over an encrypted connection to the storage cloud and stored encrypted on the server. Encrypted storage on the server requires your WordPress install to be running PHP 5.3 or later (which is very likely – the PHP version before that, 5.2, was end-of-lifed in January 2011).

You can also encrypt your database with a passphrase only known to you (whether for storing in UpdraftVault, or any other remote storage method) using the option in the ‘Settings’ tab in your UpdraftPlus page in your WordPress dashboard.

Is there any limit on the number of sites I can connect to my UpdraftVault storage?

No. You can connect as many as you wish. The purchased storage space (i.e. quota) is available for all connected sites.

What happens when my Vault quota fills up?

If your quota allowance is full, no more backups can be sent to your UpdraftPlus Vault until either some space is made (e.g. by deleting some backups) or more quota is purchased. In the meanwhile, the backups will be kept on your webserver (and fully usable). Your UpdraftPlus backup report will inform you of this situation; make sure that you configure a backup report in your settings.

How can I see my total UpdraftVault quota usage?

You can see this either in the ‘Settings’ tab of UpdraftPlus in any of your connected WordPress sites, or here: via your account page at updraftplus.com.

How can I access UpdraftVault backups if lose access to the website that created them (e.g. it is hacked)?

If you lose access to a website (e.g. it is hacked, or the hosting company disappears), then you can access, download or delete your backups by logging in at updraftplus.com, and going to your Account Page. There is a Vault browser available at updraftplus.com.

These backups can then be used to recreate your website.

Will backups be deleted from my Vault if my quota fills up?

No. New backups will not be sent to UpdraftPlus Vault until quota is available (e.g. by deleting some backups, or purchasing more quota). They will remain stored and fully usable in the web hosting space for your website. Your UpdraftPlus backup report will inform you of this situation; make sure that you configure a backup report in your settings.

How can I access what is stored in my UpdraftVault?

You can see, download and delete the contents of your Vault from your Account Page at updraftplus.com.

Can I unsubscribe from UpdraftVault at any time?

Yes. If you are paying for extra UpdraftVault storage space (i.e. beyond any space included in a purchase of UpdraftPlus Premium), then you can cancel at any time, from your account page.

Can I be refunded if I stop using UpdraftVault before my subscription period ends?

No. UpdraftPlus subscriptions are for defined periods (quarterly, or annually), and if you stop using UpdraftVault before the end of that time, you will not be refunded for any unused part-periods.

Can I resell access to my UpdraftVault?

Yes. You are welcome to set up your clients’ websites to back up to your UpdraftVault account and charge them whatever you like. After one-time authorisation using your updraftplus.com login, your updraftplus.com login details are never needed again and are not stored in the UpdraftVault settings on your clients’ websites (in its place is a unique token with no other usefulness).

How do I disconnect a site so that it no longer sends backups to my UpdraftVault?

You can either…

1) Log in to the WordPress website, go to the UpdraftPlus ‘Settings’ tab, and click the ‘Disconnect’ button in the ‘Remote Storage’ section, or

2) Log in at updraftplus.com, where you will be able to see a list of connected sites in your account and disconnect any you wish. Sites disconnected in this way will no longer be able to send backups to your Vault.

How are payments for UpdraftVault taken?

If you are using the free Vault storage space included with your purchase of UpdraftPlus Premium, this is paid for in the ordinary way: you simply go through the checkout and use PayPal or a payment card, as you prefer.

If you buy extra UpdraftVault storage space, this is also paid for using PayPal or a card. In the case of card payments, payments will be processed automatically each quarter or year (depending on your choice). We do not store your card details under any circumstances; rather (for card payments) we use stripe.com, one of the web’s most trusted and most widely-used payment vendors, complying with the highest standards for card security. You can cancel your recurring payments at any time by logging in at updraftplus.com.

What happens if an automatic UpdraftVault payment fails?

If an automatic payment for UpdraftVault storage fails, you will be notified by email. You will then have the opportunity to pay for your next subscription period via card or PayPal. This can be done from your Account Page on updraftplus.com.

If you still haven’t paid by the time that your subscription period runs out, there is a grace period of approximately one week. After this, your UpdraftVault quota will be lost and you will need to take out a new subscription.

Please note that a chargeback (whether from PayPal or your card company) will automatically count as a cancelled payment, reducing your UpdraftVault quota immediately. Also, in terms of purchased support, once your paid period has expired, you are not entitled to any support with issues pertaining to UpdraftVault.

How can I get free space for UpdraftVault?

All purchases of UpdraftPlus Premium include 1GB of free storage space for UpdraftVault for 12 months (which can then be renewed along with access to New Versions/Personal Support for UpdraftPlus Premium here at a generous discount.

How can I purchase more space for my UpdraftVault?

From our shop. There are no limitations on how many units of storage you can purchase.

What happens to my free space if I stop being an UpdraftPlus Premium customer?

The free space that’s included with a purchase of UpdraftPlus Premium is granted for 12 months (i.e. the same period as access to New Versions/ Personal Support). After that, it will be removed from your quota. If you renew your access to new versions/ support of UpdraftPlus Premium, your quota will be maintained.

What happens to my backups stored in UpdraftVault if I decided to cancel my UpdraftVault subscription?

Once your subscription period ends, your files will be deleted. Please save them to a different location before your subscription ends.

Note, you may have different subscriptions contributing to your UpdraftVault storage space. For example, you may have purchased storage on top of space given to you as part of an UpdraftPlus Premium purchase.

If you cancel one of those subscriptions, you’ll lose part of your storage space when that subscription period comes to an end. If you’re over your allowance at that time, UpdraftVault will delete backups until you’re back under your allowed storage limit.

UpdraftVault may delete backups that you don’t need, but it may delete backups that you do. It’s therefore safer to manually delete backups beforehand to ensure you keep your most important files.

Are there any special terms and conditions for use of UpdraftVault?

UpdraftVault is exclusively for the storage of backups created by the UpdraftPlus WordPress plugin, and use for any other purpose is strictly forbidden. Furthermore, any and all other FAQs about UpdraftVault which describe how UpdraftVault works constitute part of the user agreement in using UpdraftVault. Information on data privacy in relation to UpdraftVault is available here.